Allergen Management and Food Safety Fact Sheets - Essential Resources for Your Food Business
At Food Allergy Aware, we offer a comprehensive collection of fact sheets on allergen management and food safety, designed to enhance your food business operations. Whether you’re looking to upskill your staff or refresh your team’s knowledge, these bite-sized, easy-to-print resources are perfect for staff training and monthly briefing meetings. You can display them on notice boards for quick reads during downtime or use them as part of FSMS updates.
Created by experts like Caroline Benjamin, Sally Trice, and industry contributors such as Stella Holt, these fact sheets ensure your business stays on top of compliance and best practices.
Explore our fact sheets to keep your team informed and your business safe.
Sept 2024: Hear what Barbara Rathmill Associate with the Food Teachers Centre stated!

On site Allergen Management and Policies
This factsheet is aimed, particularly for those those working in the hospitality industry and how best to improve their Allergen Management within their business. On
Hot Drinks Preparation Factsheet
This factsheet details those important details that need to be considered when providing the Food Hyper -Sensitive (FHS) customer with hot drinks in your business.
PPDS Factsheet
This factsheet details what is covered by the new PPDS regulations that came into force in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland on 1st October
Allergen Audit Pt 2 Factsheet
This second factsheet details what you need to consider if you’re running a Food Business Operation in regards to Allergen management and the purchasing, storage
Allergen Audit Pt 1 Factsheet
This factsheet details what you need to consider if you’re running a Food Business Operation in regards to Allergen management. Allergen Audit Pt 1
Mustard Factsheet
Here is a fact sheet on one of the less common food allergens, but important due to the range of food products Mustard can be
Cross Contamination Factsheet
Here is some hints and tips on how to avoid cross contamination of food allergens within your business. Cross Contamination Factsheet
Milk Free / Lactose Free / Vegan
Here’s a factsheet highlighting the difference between milk free, lactose free and vegan options when dealing with someone with a dairy allergy. Milk Free /
Communication with the Food Allergy Customer
Here is a factsheet detailing important steps in communicating effectively with your Free From customer. Communication Factsheet
Eggs Factsheet
One of the more common allergens here is a factsheet about eggs. Eggs factsheet