
Below you will find a list of organisation which are within the hospitality, food service industry and cover the many sectors within the industry.  Please note we are not endorsed by the organisations unless otherwise stated and we do not endorse the organisations and they are there for your information.

Hospitality Organisations

Institute of Hospitality

The Institute of Hospitality is the professional body for managers and aspiring managers working and studying in the hospitality, leisure and tourism industry. They have members working in every sector of the industry and in over 100 countries around the world.

Our primary purpose is to promote professionalism through lifelong learning. This is achieved through engagement with hospitality educators around the world, through our knowledge library resources and through a programme of professional development events.

The Institute aim to support all their members at every stage of their career and help them reach their full potential. Every part of our broad industry is supported, Managers, students, educators and suppliers.


UK Hospitality

UKHospitality is the single, authoritative voice representing the broad hospitality sector – covering everything from bars, hotels, coffee shops, contract catering, nightclubs, visitor attraction, escape rooms, bowling alleys, independent and large multi-national sites. As the industry trade body, UKH seek to unlock the industry’s full potential as one of the biggest engines for growth in the economy and to ensure that the industry’s needs are effectively represented by engaging with the Government, the media, employees and customers.


Hospitality Action

Hospitality Action was established in 1837 and has since offered vital assistance to all who work, or have worked within hospitality in the UK.

We’re here for the chefs, waiters, housekeepers and managers. We’re here for the concierges, receptionists and kitchen porters. And we’re here for every sommelier, bartender, catering assistant and cook across the UK.

Whether you work in hotels, restaurants, pubs, bars or cafés, schools, hospitals or event venues, we’re here to give you the help, advice and support you need whenever times get tough.


Industry Sector specific Organisations

Skills for Chefs

The Aims of Skills for Chefs
• To showcase the talents of leading chefs
• To share skills and knowledge
• To spotlight topical and political issues
• To network with colleagues and suppliers

The Exhibition
This is an excellent opportunity for suppliers to
showcase their products and services to many leading chefs.


Craft Guild of Chefs

Established in 1965 as a Guild of the Cookery and Food Association, the Craft Guild of Chefs has developed into the leading Chefs’ Association in the UK and has many members worldwide.

Our members come from all aspects of the foodservice and hospitality sectors working in a wide variety of positions from students and trainees to top management. No other association boasts such a broad and experienced membership.

Our aims and objectives
As an association representing the interest of chefs, our aims are clear:

  • To increase standards of professional cooking through greater awareness, education and training
  • To develop careers and prospects of our members
  • To help members develop and maintain their knowledge, skills and ability
  • To promote and participate in all levels of craft skills competitions in the UK and internationally
  • To work with industry, education and the media to win greater recognition for chefs and their profession
  • To endorse and promote the use of British and European produce, working with suppliers and manufacturers to create innovative menus and recipe ideas



Professional Bodies & Training Providers


We’re a global leader in compliance and work-based learning and apprenticeship qualifications and one of the UK’s most recognisable awarding organisations. As such we’re regulated by Ofqual, Qualifications Wales, SQA Accreditation, the Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment (CCEA), and the Security Industry Authority (SIA). In addition to this, we’re also a government-regulated end-point assessment organisation (EPAO).

As an awarding organisation we’ve developed 250+ qualifications designed to enhance the career prospects of learners. These qualifications are now delivered by over 20,000 trainers and training providers spread across 50 countries. They cover multiple sectors such as retail, health and social care, finance, customer service, rail and engineering, hospitality, logistics, aviation and many more.


RSPH - Royal Society for Public Health

Established in 1856, the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) is an independent campaigning and educational charity dedicated to improving and protecting the health of people just like you – both in the United Kingdom and around the world.

Our Membership includes thousands of healthcare professionals, food safety specialists, environmental health experts, policy makers, academics, students and many other people from all walks of life, who share one thing in common – we care passionately about protecting the public’s health.


CIEH - Chartered Institute of Environmental Health

We have been the voice of Environmental Health since 1883.

The Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) is the membership and awarding body for the environmental health sector.

Our members work around the world, improving lives and demonstrating excellence across all areas of environmental health including food, public health, housing, environmental protection, and health and safety.


CTSI - The Chartered Trading Standards Institute

CTSI represents trading standards professionals working in the UK and overseas – in local authorities, business and consumer sectors and central government.

  • promote and protect the success of a modern vibrant economy, and
  • safeguard the health, safety and wellbeing of citizens by enhancing the professionalism of its members. 


Food Allergen Awareness

The Greater Gwent Food Group, a partnership between Blaenau Gwent, Caerphilly, Monmouthshire, Newport City and Torfaen councils has released a new multilingual allergen resource for food businesses in Wales, England and Northern Ireland to help protect the estimated two million plus people living with a diagnosed food allergy in the UK. 

The resources are freely available for use by all local authorities in England, Wales and Northern Ireland.


Catering Organisations

NACC - National Association of Care Catering

For over 30 years the National Association of Care Catering (NACC) unites, supports and represents everyone working in and associated with catering in the UK care sector.

It is recognised as a respected source of information and opinion for the dynamic and growing area of care catering.

They are committed to raising standards of care catering and championing the positive impact nutrition, hydration and mealtimes have on the physical and emotional health and wellbeing of the elderly and vulnerable in care settings.


LACA - The School Food People

LACA was established in 1990 and is the leading professional body representing 550 catering managers in local authorities, private contractors and individual schools and academies.  Its members are providers of school meals services within the primary and secondary schools of England, Wales and Scotland (the Northern Ireland region is currently dormant).

With over 300 local authorities, county, district councils and London Boroughs represented in the membership, 80% of the catering service is provided by LACA members.  And with around three million lunches being served every day in 27,000 schools, the LACA network is the country’s largest provider of school catering.


TUCO - The University Caterers Organisation

TUCO is the leading professional membership body for in-house caterers operating in the higher, further education and public sector. We are committed to advancing the learning and development of catering and hospitality teams, and work to provide quality standards, advice and information to those working in in-house catering.

Established in 1953, we provide a platform where members can share and celebrate achievements; learn via a range of courses, professional advice, training and study tours; buy via TUCO’s EU compliant catering frameworks and wide range of suppliers – maximising value through the combined £146m+ annual spend of TUCO members, and grow their business through latest market research, trends and analysis. 


HCA - Hospital Caterers Organisation

The HCA was founded in 1948  is a national organisation which represents healthcare catering managers who provide a wide range of food services for patients, visitors and staff in NHS hospitals and healthcare facilities across the UK. A substantial proportion of the HCA’s membership is also actively involved in managing a range of other non-clinical support services.

With 15 branches throughout the four nations of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland and more than 250 hospitals represented in its membership, the HCA network is the single largest group of healthcare catering providers within the NHS and is the recognised voice of hospital catering.

Its mission is to promote, develop and improve the standards of catering in hospitals and healthcare establishments; educate and train people working in healthcare catering services and improve the professional interests and status of healthcare catering practitioners.
