In the news this month

FreeFrom Food  Awards, 2016 FreeFrom food awards

“Bigger, better, with new, exciting categories for 2016, the FreeFrom Food Awards continue to lead the freefrom sector to ever greater heights of excellence!”

The Free From Food Awards are continuing to grow and this year feature an excellent range of suppliers.  To find out more about this award, the suppliers who are excelling in FreeFrom food production as well as a comprehensive supplier directory click here 

Rare food allergies

Renowned author, editor and journalist Alex Gazzola wrote an article for Food Matters looking at the hidden and rare food allergens which aren’t covered by the 14 major allergens and how caterers and consumers need to be aware.  To read the article, click here.

BA Agree Policy on NutsPeanuts editted

The Anaphylaxis Campaign are pleased to announce that after working closely with British Airways, they have agreed to implement a policy to avoid cross contamination risks for those with nut allergies including asking passengers on flights not to eat peanuts near anyone with an allergy.  There is no formal British Airways announcement yet, but watch this space.

Sugar Wise

Cambridge University have announced a groundbreaking approach to enable consumers to test foods for ‘free sugars’ and therefore make informed choices about foods and help them achieve the World Heath Organisation’s recommendation that no more than 5% of a daily energy intake should be through ‘free sugars‘ to find out more click here, or for the Sugar Wise campaign, click here.

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