Miss out on Cadburys Creme Eggs? Then check out Glutarama’s vegan & gluten free recipe

Wow your customers who are vegan or dairy free – Cream eggs can be eaten all year round !
Check out more FreeFrom and vegan recipes on the Glutarama website by clicking here
  • 150ml soya milk
  • 100g caster sugar
  • 1tsp vanilla extract
  • 800g icing sugar
  • 20g coconut oil, melted
  • 300g dairy free chocolate – used Moo Free


To make the cream filling

  1. Add the milk and caster sugar to a saucepan and gently heat until the sugar crystals have melted.
  2. Add the vanilla extract and remove from the heat.
  3. Using a whisk to briskly mix in the icing sugar (do it in a couple of stages or else you’ll end up with icing sugar clouds!)
  4. Once the egg cream is smooth add the melted coconut oil and whisk quickly to combine.
  5. Pour 150ml of the white cream into a jug and add yellow/orange food colouring to achieve the egg yolk colour you desire.
To make the chocolate egg shell
  1. Gently melt the chocolate, and pour into 8 halves of your egg shell mounds.
  2. Tip the moulds to tease the chocolate to the edges of each half shell, you may need to use a teaspoon to finish this process. Put the left over chocolate to one side, you’ll need this to seal the two halves together.
  3. Pop the moulds onto a baking sheet and put in the fridge for 15 mins
  4. Remove from the fridge and pour the white cream into each half shell leaving 5mm gap before the top of the shell, then add the yellow to the centre of each shell, I used a small jug to do this, using teaspoons is just as effective.
  5. Return to the fridge for 15 mins for the cream to set.
  6. Pour the remaining melted chocolate into a piping bag (I use a sandwich bag and cut a tiny corner off) Remove the moulds from the fridge and gently tease the shells out of their casing, if you have any rough edges use a pair of kitchen scissors to cut these off.
  7. Pipe the remaining melted chocolate around the edge of each shell and gently press each half together. Wipe away any excess chocolate that oozes from the egg join.
  8. Pop into the fridge one last time to harden the seal.

Check out this link for the above Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Vegan Creme Egg recipe on the Glutarama website


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