What Allergy

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Patient expert and advocate

Top 5 UK Allergy Blogger

Ruth Holroyd, who is severely allergic to nuts, dairy and other foods, has a lifetime of experience of anaphylaxis. Through research and her first-hand experience she has compiled a self-help guide for people living with the condition, their family and their friends.

  • Ruth writes about all things allergy and eczema on her award winning blog www.whatallergy.com  which aims to help those with life limiting chronic conditions such as eczema, topical steroid withdrawal, asthma, allergies and anaphylaxis. She won the Free From Hero Award 2021 at the FreeFrom Food Awards and her blog has won countless awards for Best Allergy Blog, Best Health blog etc.
  • She has written two books, ‘Anaphylaxis: The Essential Guide: An Action Plan For Living With Life-Threatening Allergies’ which focuses on anxiety and fear and how to live with the daily challenge of living with a life limiting condition. Secondly a  poetry collection for people with eczema, psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, and topical steroid withdrawal, called The Shape of Skin. Both are available on Amazon and have received fantastic reviews.


Anaphylaxis – The Essential Guide
How to kill the fear that anaphylaxis could kill you! by Ruth Holroyd

Anaphylaxis: The Essential Guide: An Action Plan For Living With Life-Threatening Allergies.  Anaphylaxis has the potential to hijack your everyday life with fear, anxiety, depression and trust issues, but it is possible to create a positive path forward.

Anaphylaxis is terrifying, both for those with allergies and their carers. It can make people severely ill and in rare cases it’s fatal. In this book Ruth shares her own experiences and provides invaluable advice.

Every person’s allergic reaction is different and the symptoms can vary from rashes and difficulty breathing to collapse and loss of consciousness and can also change and become more severe over time. This is understandably hard to live with, the unknown and ever present knowledge that food could kill.

In Anaphylaxis: The Essential Guide, you will discover information, help and support to face this frightening condition with confidence. Ruth shows you how to:

•           Get a diagnosis swiftly and how to come to terms with it

•           Recognise the other factors that can affect the severity of a reaction, including exercise and medication

•           Put together an Anaphylaxis Action Plan with day-to-day tips and strategies for staying safe at home and at work, eating out, holidays and dating

•           Assess possible treatments, therapies and resources

•           Cope with the psychological impact of living with anaphylaxis and severe allergies

•           Take action when you’re feeling depressed or anxious, or experiencing panic attacks

•           Create a positive and resilient mindset, and reframe the condition to feel less excluded and more in control

Buy ‘Anaphylaxis – The Essential Guide’ today to help you live a positive life with allergies despite your fears.

“The Reluctant Allergy Expert is such a great wealth of information and a delight to read! A must read for anyone with allergies or connected to an allergy sufferer. Congratulations!” Tanya Ednan-Laperouse, Natasha Foundation

“Genuinely invaluable insights into allergy. It’s the book I wish I could give to all my allergy patients.” Dr Adam Fox, Guy’s and St Thomas’s hospital, London.

To order your copy click here



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