Greens Beers


Greens were the first to bring to market a gluten free beer back in 2004 and now we have a full range of eight ales and lagers, and the only producer in the world who brews both naturally gluten free and de-glutenised beers. As the only dedicated producer of gluten free beers in Europe, we are considered to be the ‘go to brand’.

These beers are produced by craft Belgian brewers and won the UK’s best gluten free beer in 2010, 11, 13, and recently 2014.

They are also suitable for vegetarians and are allergen free as defined by EU standards.

Facebook: @greensglutenfreebeer

Twitter: @GreensBeers

Instagram: @greensbeers

Pinterest: greensbeers


Approved by Coeliac UK & Vegetarian Society

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