The Food and Drink Federation has recently published guidance on ‘allergen free’ and vegan claims, with the aim of more clarity to help the consumer and the food service industry. There is currently a lot of misunderstanding on whether a vegan product is safe for an egg or milk free diet. In many cases there is a high risk of ‘May Contains’
Check out the guidance paper by clicking here
We recommend checking labels every time, for example 100% Plant based Flora is not suitable for some one with a milk allergy. You need to ensure you have the Dairy Free Flora packs or portions if offering a milk/dairy free option.
To get the low down on the paper and potential issues with #freefrom and vegan check out the Allergy Insight blog post by clicking here
And as Alex highlight’s in his blog unlike the Vegan Society, The Vegetarian Society‘s vegan accreditation does NOT accept products with ‘may contain milk’ or ‘may contain egg’ — so there appears to be disagreement on this issue even among the animal ethical charities.