Twins share Hero award

Twins Share Hero Award

8 year old Identical twins,Luke and Jamie Waggott and  from Oxfordshire have been awarded a UK Child Hero Award by Allergy UK for their fundraising activities. Jamie is allergic to nuts, pectin and citrus fruit whilst Luke doesn’t suffer any food allergies. Their fund raising activities began at just 6 years old when Jamie wrote and illustrated a book on allergy awareness and by 8 years old they met their local MP at the National Allergy Strategy Group in Parliament.  To read more about their achievement and drive, please click here.

Should babies be fed Eggs and Peanuts?

Heavily reported in the news yesterday was that feeding babies eggs and Peanuts edittedpeanuts heavily reduces their risk of developing an allergy to these foods.  In total over 200,000 children were included in 146 studies and the results suggest that feeding infants eggs between the ages of four and six months and peanuts between the ages of four and eleven months may reduce the risk of them developing the associated allergies. At this stage medical advice has not changed.


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