

Luxury, multi award-winning organic, melt-in-the-mouth dairy free chocolate truffles and creamy plant based, vegan ice cream, lovingly made in Norfolk.

We make 15 delicious varieties of Chocolate Truffles and 8 creamily delicious varieties of Dairy Free Ice Cream, all vegan, organic, dairy-, gluten- and soya-free!

Facebook: boojabooja

Twitter: booja-booja

Linked In: the-booja-booja-company-limited

Instagram: boojabooja


All our products are dairy-free, soya-free, gluten-free, vegan and organic. We use fully certified ingredients for all the products and are tested regularly. We are Vegan Society and Soil Association accredited.

Additional Relevant Information:

Testing/Verification Certification: BRC, Kosher, Soil Association, Vegan Society