In November 2019 a retired GP visited the Brewstone restaurant in Swansea and unfortunately suffered a severe allergic reaction to her meal which meant she had a week long hospital stay according to a report published in Wales Online (08/12/2020).
Although the retired lady GP had notified the restaurant when she made her booking that she required Gluten Free food, the dish that she picked from the menu, that had been labelled ‘GF’, actually contained couscous which was not gluten free.
Following the consumption of the slow-ccoked lamb dish the lady later suffered a serious reaction which resulted in a week long stay at the Morriston Hospital.
The restaurant states that the staff has received the Food Safety training necessary, but an external company that was asked to manage the menu had not informed them that the couscous, contained within the dish, contained gluten. It was this information that was used by the waitress on the day.
Subsequently Environmental Health Officers have revisited the restaurant in November 2020 and the significant improvements made by the restaurant has meant that it ‘passed with flying colours’.
The judge ruled that one of the 2 company directors that pleaded guilty on behalf of the company was fined a total of £4000.
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