July Newsletter

Check out our July newsletter  by  Clicking Here


NGCI  update
Following the release of the FSA’s new NGCI labeling rules which affect how to label non gluten containing ingredients on your menu, they have since revised their guidance and now state that you can use the term NGCI to name an NGCI Menu, but individual items are still not allowed to be titled as NGCI.We have updated our blog to reflect these changes. To refresh your knowledge or if you missed our post before, click here.

Flying with Anaphylaxis? You must be Nuts!
Its the holiday season, and many of you will be looking forward to flying to sunnier climates, So in place of our usual fact sheets, we have posted a blog to help you understand how passengers with severe anaphylaxis to peanuts and nuts manage travelling. An insight into how some airline manage requests and how you as a fellow passenger can support those with allergies.

To find out more click here. 

E-Learning, Its an ideal time to buy

Follow up on our summer offer on our Food Allergy Awareness  e-learning. Our e-learning has been designed to provide all food handling staff the basic  knowledge they need to be able to communicate with customers and understand their  allergy  needs.  With up to 20% off, it is an ideal time to buy. If you purchase your online training via HABC (Highfield) the module could be included in your current suite of training………. Read More 
For more information about our e-learning and other training and consultancy services click here.

Is your menu creation causing you a headache? 
We all know that creating menus, sometimes multiple menus, can be a headache especially now we have to communicate the different allergens. Every time we want to change a menu we have to update the website, print new copies and go through the time consuming task of identifying allergens. Read more………. 


In the news 

 The British Hospitality Association have launched revised food safety guidance,  the first  revision since 1995.  A review which started following the  death of a lady who contracted  food poisoning in a pub before heading to Turkey on holiday.  Read more……….


Dates for your Diary Read more……….

  • Westminster Forum, Tuesday 13th September, A discussion forum on food labeling regulation, click here for more information and to book a place.
  • International Chocolate Day 13th September.
  • Universal Cookery and Food Festival Tuesday 20th September.  Click here for more information.
  • Anaphylaxis Annual Corporate Conference Monday 19th September.  Click here for more information.
  • British Food Fortnight 17th September – 2nd October.  Click here for more information.
  • International Coffee Day 29th September

To see the full version of the July newsletter  Click here 

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