Eczema and Food Allergies

The physical side effects of food allergies and intolerances are widely reported and often include Anaphylaxis, gastrointestinal symptoms and skin reactions, however one area which is rarely discussed is the impact of food allergies on eczema.  Whilst food allergies are not though to cause eczema, it is recognised that they can be a trigger for the condition in both adults and children.  Through Yorktest, the University of York carried out a survey on the impact of food elimination diets on physical symptoms and of the 183 who reported eczema, 83% reported an improvement after stopping eating their known trigger foods.  (click here for the full study).

Food Allergy Aware Ltd According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 37% of young children with moderate to severe eczema have food allergies.  Rowan, a 5 year old boy had suffered chronic  eczema from birth and whilst he had known food allergies this tended to take a back seat in discussions about his discussion.  To read his story please click here

 Whilst scientists globally are still trying to identify the link and cause and effect relationship between eczema and food allergies, it is still a significant reason why the food service industry must  be mindful and considerate of individuals’ needs by offering allergy friendly meal options, especially on children’s menus. 


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